Author: Kevin Knecht

Your Success Is Closer Than You Think

What we’ve personally found is that a good 85-90% of people who first contact us think they’re so so far away from having success (as if it’s in a galaxy far far away!)

When the truth is … they’re CLOSER THAN THEY THINK!

What are your thoughts right now as you’re reading this post?

How Anthony Robbins Transformed My Life

Today is Day #3 of the 21-Day Blogging Challenge. Thanks for coming back to read my blog again.

If you missed Day #1 or Day #2, be sure to go back to Day #1 and/or Day #2. And please leave a comment below each time! 🙂

So … Day #3 is all about the question …

“Who/what has positively impacted your life?”

It’s a very open-ended question.

I do remember a specific tipping point for me…

Think And Grow Rich With These Facebook Hacks

So here we are on Day #2 of the “21-Day Blogging Challenge.” Today’s topic: Creating a “hack” to help a “newbie” acquire a skill quickly!

My favorite “hack” is teaching a person how to effectively use his/her Facebook account.

More importantly, how to set up his/her account with a VERY big picture in mind.

You see … I believe Facebook is the “” of the 21st Century.

It’s how people today will “look you up” and generations from now it’ll be how people remember you.

virtual school vs public school

Virtual School vs. Public School – Rant

WARNING: Public school teachers, principals, etc. may be offended by this post. This is a rant with a much bigger picture, so strap yourself in …
I took Tanner last week to his “end of course” exam for Algebra over at the local high school. (175 days of the year, he does his school from home).

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The Wisdom of Opposite George

I can’t believe I’m about to share this, but here it goes. In 1997, I was George Costanza! LOL (Insert clip moment at 1:30) At age 27, I was balding, with no job, with no money, and I was living with my parents! Obviously MY way of thinking was NOT WORKING. So … yeah … I was open to a whole new way of thinking.


You Get to Listen In Right Here

What if you could truly build your life by DESIGN instead of settling for what’s happened by DEFAULT?
We will be sharing how we finally left our “struggles” behind and, instead, started focusing on all of the “little” things we wanted in all areas of our lives.