Tagged: Kevin Knecht

Your Success Is Closer Than You Think

What we’ve personally found is that a good 85-90% of people who first contact us think they’re so so far away from having success (as if it’s in a galaxy far far away!)

When the truth is … they’re CLOSER THAN THEY THINK!

What are your thoughts right now as you’re reading this post?

How Anthony Robbins Transformed My Life

Today is Day #3 of the 21-Day Blogging Challenge. Thanks for coming back to read my blog again.

If you missed Day #1 or Day #2, be sure to go back to Day #1 and/or Day #2. And please leave a comment below each time! 🙂

So … Day #3 is all about the question …

“Who/what has positively impacted your life?”

It’s a very open-ended question.

I do remember a specific tipping point for me…

Think And Grow Rich With These Facebook Hacks

So here we are on Day #2 of the “21-Day Blogging Challenge.” Today’s topic: Creating a “hack” to help a “newbie” acquire a skill quickly!

My favorite “hack” is teaching a person how to effectively use his/her Facebook account.

More importantly, how to set up his/her account with a VERY big picture in mind.

You see … I believe Facebook is the “Ancestry.com” of the 21st Century.

It’s how people today will “look you up” and generations from now it’ll be how people remember you.