?Yum! Homemade Almond Butter!
About 2 Cups Raw Organic Almonds ( I just pour out what fits on my silicone mat)
1/4 Cup Coconut Oil (You may want to increase or decrease as it’s processing.)
Himalayan sea salt (optional)
(As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.)
1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
2. Spread almonds on a silicone mat on a baking sheet and roast for 15 minutes. (NOTE: Check the almonds at 10 minutes)
3. Pour roasted almonds into a food processor and let it run for about 5-10 minutes until desired smoothness adding coconut oil slowly once almonds are crushed. You may want to use less or more oil depending on the consistency you want to achieve.

4. If desired, add 1 tsp Himalayan sea salt or more to taste.
Voila – fresh almond butter w/no junky additives or preservatives. Store in the fridge. 🙂

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