The coolest thing about our “work from home” career is having our 14-year-old Tanner waking up each day with both Mom and Dad at home.
I heard a friend say years ago that his “why” was to be the Dad who “was the primary influence in his kid’s upbringing.”
When you stop to think about today’s family dynamics …
Many families have 2 parents who both work (or even a single parent who works) …
The kids go to school early in the morning, too.
So by 8AM … a family of 4 can potentially be off in 4 directions.
Only connected by their iPhones.
That in itself is a whole other issue.
Kids growing up with smart phones instead of smart parents.
Anyway, getting back to our amazing lifestyle …
We all sleep ’til our eyes open …
Tanner “virtually” completes his school each day (via live and recorded webinars with his teachers and other students).
Melissa and I are able to work our business around the hours that best suit us …
And, as a result, we’ve been able to stay ahead of emerging market trends online because we actually have the time to research them daily …
It’s really really an amazing lifestyle I couldn’t endorse more favorably.
Especially if you’re still reading this and, perhaps, realizing that although you may have a good paying job, a nice home, nice cars and great kids …
There’s no FREEDOM to your lifestyle.
If that’s the case …
We may be able to help you. Check out our other blogs and our facebook pages or opt in below to see a video that explains how we’re able to stay home to be the primary influence in our kid’s life and how that may be possible for your family, too. 🙂