My Breakthrough with John Demartini from The Secret

Another great teacher from The Secret that I met at Unity of Phoenix was Dr. John Demartini.  It was a fabulous evening with many gold nuggets.

The most impactful thing I learned from him and that I’ve taken into my life was his practice of intense gratitude.  Spending time each morning feeling gratitude to the point that tears were streaming down his face before he ever gets out of bed.

I admit that I don’t always get to that point, but I do practice gratitude every morning.  Beginning with just giving thanks for being given another day.  Feeling love for my family.  Being in joyful anticipation of the day.  When I start my day like this, it is markedly better than the few times I am in a hurry and end up feeling frustrated and agitated.

So if you learn nothing else from the wealth of teaching John DeMartini has offered to the world, spending time in gratitude each morning will enrich your days and ultimately your life.

Here are some of my favorite John Demartini Quotes:

John DeMartini Think And Thank

John DeMartini from The Secret

John DeMartini Thoughts

John DeMartini Goals

John DeMartini Self Mastery

 John DeMartini doing what you love

Melissa Knecht

Thank you for visiting our blog! I am a Mom, wife, entrepreneur, life & business coach, spiritual seeker and someone always looking to evolve. I've studied personal and spiritual development for over 25 years. It has been a worthy pursuit and has positively shaped my life. While always continuing to grow, I now seek to pay it forward to others on the path. I have 3 kids - Josh, Olivia and Tanner. Tanner, 2 of whom did graduated from virtual school. We are an out of the box family and we love it! Kevin and I have designed our lives around many trials and tribulations... but they have made it all the sweeter. If you would like to connect with me, reach out on Facebook: or through my contact page.

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3 Responses

  1. ivan biroli says:

    love the blog post. Although if I’m honest im not a fan of the secret what I really appreciate in your post is where you discuss its really important when you start each day to take the time to think about what your are grateful for, that is really really think about it. I have tried this and found that when you are in a state of being truly grateful and of gratitude there is no anger, hate, grudges held its just bliss and happiness.

  2. Roger says:

    this is awesome Melissa!! 🙂 I love your content and your story of course. Congrats on all the success for you and Kevin. Blessings!