50 Secrets of Prosperity from Randy Gage
Prosperity is not an abundance of money and material things; it is a mindset.
Prosperity is not an abundance of money and material things; it is a mindset.
Hear the full behind the scenes story of how Melissa bounced back from bankruptcy in 2011 to going on to earn over $650,000 in her primary business.
The Top 10 things about time and space that most people seem to forget…
10. You chose to be here and you knew what you were doing.
9. There are no “tests” and you’re not being judged.
8. Everyone’s doing their best, with what they know.
My husband is such a great writer. I found this post on Facebook from November of 2012. It was such a great retrospective to take stock of knowing we were not even a year out from our bankruptcy. We were in such a state of Gratitude.
What if you could truly build your life by DESIGN instead of settling for what’s happened by DEFAULT?
We will be sharing how we finally left our “struggles” behind and, instead, started focusing on all of the “little” things we wanted in all areas of our lives.
What was really fun was when our little guy, Tanner, then 10, got to meet Les after the first service. Tanner had heard us talk extensively about Les over the years and had seen many of his videos. So he was so excited to meet him not only to tell him the Les Brown quotes he knew but to also tell him his own quote, “If it’s impossible, make it possible!” Les loved it!
Our first meeting with Bob Proctor was in Hawaii, several years before The Secret. He wrote the first iteration of the course for a personal development company we worked with. Then, he was the featured speaker at our event in Hawaii.
I was fairly new to the world of Law Of Attraction and Personal Development and hearing Bob in person was a revelation!
Kevin and I got to meet him when he did a workshop at Unity of Phoenix. His workshop was really compelling and we were so happy to find that he was kind and welcoming in person. It’s always nice when you meet someone who has quite a bit of celebrity and find them to be down to earth and humble.
We can say we want success, but any time we are agreeing with conditions that are difficult, any time we talk about how life is unfair, or give any type of energy that is of a lower nature or out of harmony with the thing we say we want, we actually are creating resistance with the very thing we want.
Here in the land of OPPORTUNITY, there’s a mind “virus” going around. If you’re not careful, you may believe that there’s NO WAY you can POSSIBLY rise from the poor or broke to be amongst the wealthy.
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