Top 5 Ways Your Job Is Costing You 5-Figures!
It’s Sunday night as I’m writing this. I always hated this night because it meant the dreaded “Monday Morning” was just around the corner … In...
It’s Sunday night as I’m writing this. I always hated this night because it meant the dreaded “Monday Morning” was just around the corner … In...
Did you know you’re OVER PAYING your taxes by having a job instead of a business? The SINGLE best thing you can do to KEEP...
Tonight, I’m writing a bit later than usual (1032PM EST). Today was “one of those days” where my schedule just didn’t work for me. Have you...
The coolest thing about meeting Melissa (besides her incredible smile and ability to always make me laugh!) was knowing she was already working from home full-time, so if I married her, the honeymoon would NEVER have to end!! 🙂
“Imperfect Action” is a term I remember hearing back about 9 years ago …
It actually sounded careless, reckless and unprofessional.
It actually sounded careless, reckless and unprofessional.
But, I soon learned why my mindset was *SO* wrong …
The ‘Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act of 2015’ (H.R. 1599) is, perhaps, the most misleading name yet for a bill.If passed, this bill will be a major victory for the food and chemical industries (yes, I did say “chemical!”) such as Land O’Lakes, Cargill, Hormel, and General Mills.Instead of allowing consumers to know what
What we’ve personally found is that a good 85-90% of people who first contact us think they’re so so far away from having success (as if it’s in a galaxy far far away!)
When the truth is … they’re CLOSER THAN THEY THINK!
What are your thoughts right now as you’re reading this post?
Today is Day #3 of the 21-Day Blogging Challenge. Thanks for coming back to read my blog again.
If you missed Day #1 or Day #2, be sure to go back to Day #1 and/or Day #2. And please leave a comment below each time! 🙂
So … Day #3 is all about the question …
“Who/what has positively impacted your life?”
It’s a very open-ended question.
I do remember a specific tipping point for me…
So here we are on Day #2 of the “21-Day Blogging Challenge.” Today’s topic: Creating a “hack” to help a “newbie” acquire a skill quickly!
My favorite “hack” is teaching a person how to effectively use his/her Facebook account.
More importantly, how to set up his/her account with a VERY big picture in mind.
You see … I believe Facebook is the “” of the 21st Century.
It’s how people today will “look you up” and generations from now it’ll be how people remember you.
Hear the full behind the scenes story of how Melissa bounced back from bankruptcy in 2011 to going on to earn over $650,000 in her primary business.
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